Sunday, May 3, 2009

Who's watching the Watchmen?

Millions of fans? Check.
Diehard following? Check.
Years of anticipation? Check.
"Hot" director? Check.
Monstrous ad campaign? Check.

Sounded like The Watchmen was set to be the next Dark Knight. But there was one more thing on their packing list:

Plummet to little or no profit after opening weekend? CHECK.

I have graphed below the millions made versus weeks after release (Week 1 was the opening, and so on).
The above graphic may remind you of the flight pattern of a duck that has suddenly been shot... eleven times.


  1. Hmmm. Sounds like a Matrix sequel to me...

  2. Exactly--! Matrix 3 fared even worse. After the opening midnight show it went straight to DVD.
